Exit Solutions

Seeking an Exit

Some of the problems facing company owners seeking to sell their company:

We will work with you to build a strategy and build your profits to maximise the fruits of your labour.


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Some of our Exit Solutions


Sale Multiples are Falling

Most SME exit values are based on the profit a company achieves multiplied by a factor – say five or six.
The multiplier figures have been falling since the credit crunch of 2008
Therefore it is vital that the company owner seeking to sell his business should make the profit figure as high as possible to extract the most money from his prized asset when he sells.

Sale value of company making £100k profit – 5 x £100k = £500k

Sale value of company making £250k profit – 5 x £250k = £1250k


Companies Seeking an Exit

We work with other professional firms who will advise on the optimum taxation and corporate finance strategies to maximise your windfall upon sale.


HR and Recruitment

We introduce rigorous HR and recruitment procedures to ensure high calibre staff are recruited and thereafter are continually developed to achieve their full potential.